Welcoming Some New Faces to Engaging Networks


Join us in welcoming three new team members in the United States, Canada and Australia!

We’re very excited to announce that three accomplished nonprofit sector professionals have just joined Engaging Networks this month, each in a newly created role to expand our team. This is super news for us, and for our steadily growing community of world-changing nonprofit clients.

In keeping with our company’s international focus and commitment, our far-flung new team members – Jenn Morrison, Morgan Radbourne and Jess Hollinshead – are based in Washington, DC (USA), Toronto (Canada) and Perth (Australia), respectively.


jenn morrison

Jenn Morrison, who until recently worked for global nonprofit First Book, will support our product development in a newly created role as our Manager of Product Communications. Jenn will translate and triage feedback from our clients, and from our network of accredited agency and technology partners, to help our developers prioritize what to build next in our ever-improving digital platform.



Morgan Radbourne, who until December worked with many Engaging Networks clients as a consultant for our longtime agency partner Grassriots, joins our Account Services team to focus especially on supporting clients in Canada and in the northeastern USA. She will help on-board new clients and build relationships, providing support and strategic advice to help organizations maximize their success in using our tools in their vital work.



Jess Hollinshead, who was an Engaging Networks client while at the anti-slavery organization Walk Free, will play several roles to support our growing client communities in Australia, New Zealand and parts of Asia. Jess’ skills and strategic location, working with our teams in DC, London and San Francisco, will enable us to eventually realize our long-held dream of providing 24/7 tech support to our clients worldwide.

At a challenging time for many in the charity sector, we are deeply grateful that we can welcome these high achieving professionals to our team. It reflects our wholehearted determination to keep re-investing our clients’ resources back into the value of their Engaging Networks subscriptions, through even better product development, tech support and increased responsiveness to your needs. We hope that our clients and partners will get to meet Jenn, Morgan and Jess soon, maybe on a Zoom call. And then meet them in person someday, at one of our annual Engaging Networks Community Conferences in the USA, Canada, UK or Australia.

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