Chat GPT for Your Nonprofit: Prompts & Insights From Our Community


With the end of year giving season approaching, your team is only getting busier and could use an extra hand. Need help fine-tuning the language on that fundraising email? Want to creatively encourage some one-time supporters to become recurring donors? Ask Chat GPT for some help!

Chat GPT is all the rage right now, and nonprofit professionals who are AI-curious want to use this tool to its fullest advantage. We recently published a list of 10 Chat GPT prompts that can help make nonprofit teams more successful in their efforts. Now we’re back with a list of prompts solicited directly from our partners and clients.

Below, find their prompts as well as their artificial intelligence tips and tricks for fellow nonprofit professionals.

Erik Rubadeau (CEO), Tasha Van Vlack (Relationship Growth Specialist), and Trevor Ryckman (Digital Marketing Services + Lead Strategist) — Yeeboo Digital


“Hey ChatGPT, I want to do a paid social campaign for my nonprofit [insert blurb about your org and mission statement shared here to Chat GPT]. Give me 2 target audiences for our organization including their age range, interests and channel choices. Make sure to name the two audiences.”

Why did you choose this prompt?

Here at Yeeboo Digital we often find that the market research part of social media campaigns can quickly trip up a busy marketing/fundraising professional. Having Chat GPT available to narrow down your audience is an enormous asset. Beginning with this prompt then allows us to then get prompts on what our writing style should be like to appeal to this audience, generate ad titles for Facebook/Instagram/Google that will appeal to this subset, follow an email journey that resonates, etc.

AI Best Practice:

When it comes to AI use for nonprofits, organizations really need to be looking at an adoption strategy. If your nonprofit isn’t yet developing an AI policy or framework by which your organization staff should use AI, it will quickly become problematic.

Ira Horowitz (Co-Founder) — Cornershop Creative


“Write 10 subject lines for the following email: [insert email text].”

Why did you choose this prompt?

AI is best when it’s used as a resource to enhance existing campaigns. If you generally ask AI to write an entire campaign, you’ll likely have to spend hours customizing that campaign. Focusing on small, important details, like writing a subject line or defining call to action text, allows the AI chatbot to first learn what you’re trying to do, and then maximizes its recommendations for the text that it provides.

AI Best Practice:

Remember to be clear and direct as possible with AI. Do you need your subject to be short? Urgent? Include personalization? Contain a specific word? The more you provide the AI tool, then better results you will get.

Carie Wilt (Director, Digital Marketing) — Oceana


“We want monthly donors to feel more connected to our nonprofit’s mission — with that in mind, please suggest 10 different names we can call our tight-knit community of monthly donors.”

Why did you choose this prompt?

Oceana recently decided to create a “branded” community for our monthly donors. As we all know, people love/want to be a part of something. We were brainstorming names for this community — until someone piped up and said, “We should ask Chat GPT for ideas!”

So we asked Chat GPT: “What are some ocean-related terms?” It came back with a bunch of terms mostly pertaining to animals. We figured it would be strange to name a community after an animal, so instead we asked: “What are some ocean-related nouns that are not animals?”

Through this process, we ended up choosing one of Chat GPT’s recommendations for naming our branded community: The Tide.

AI Best Practice:

Best practice on using AI is that it will ALWAYS require human interaction and assistance.

Charly Jarrett (Director of Communications and Development) — Veterinarians Without Borders


“Provide the prompt you would have used to create the following piece of content: [insert the text of your best performing email/post/letter].”

Why did you choose this prompt?

In my experience so far, people don’t really know where to start with Chat GPT, so reverse engineering things with this prompt can really kick start the process. Using this prompt gives you a starting point in creating subsequent prompts — but in your best performing and already branded voice. It provides clear guidance on the tone, content, and structure of the message, aligning with the compassionate and engaging approach of your organization’s brand. Now you and the rest of your team have a base to build on and create a more unified voice in your org.

AI Best Practice:

To stay on top of things, you need to create a position in your organization dedicated to AI and Automation. It’s probably a big ask — but imagine ignoring the internet when it was first becoming popular. This is your organization’s opportunity to not fall behind.

Kaitlyn DeLuise (Digital Fundraising & Engagement Manager) — Kids in Need of Defense (KIND)


“Write a fundraising email to people who have donated to our nonprofit in the past, and emphasize our team’s gratitude towards their ongoing commitment to our mission. Our nonprofit’s mission is: [insert mission here].”

Why did you choose this prompt?

This prompt was inspired by our ongoing work around the Afghanistan refugee crisis and our engagement with recurring donors. With the second anniversary of the crisis approaching, only 10% of Unaccompanied Afghan Minors in the U.S. have been reunited with their family. KIND will mark the anniversary with a fundraising campaign to support the children who remain in legal limbo, living with sponsors who had never intended to care for them for this long. This is a topic KIND has engaged supporters over the last two years as we work to provide legal and social services to the children, while pushing for legislation in Congress to address the crisis. For those who have taken action in the past, we have the opportunity to customize our solicitation to speak to their previous commitment to this specific group of kids, showing our recurring donors how integral they are to our mission.

AI Best Practice:

I’ve learned to always fact check, because Chat GPT will pull from a variety of sources, many of which are less than reliable. While it isn’t necessarily helpful when writing about current events, Chat GPT is great for things like anniversaries of news items since it can pull on older stories for context with only minor updates required.

Finally, if nothing else, I’ve learned that AI is a massive help in just getting a rough draft to work from, and it’s incredibly easy to iterate within the platform to get the content closer and closer to what you’re looking for with subsequent prompts.

Ready to dive deeper into AI?

Accessible Intelligence, a new company from our founder, Graham Covington, is dedicated to delivering exceptional machine learning services to the nonprofit sector. The company is at the cutting edge of transforming digital donor engagement for nonprofits. If your nonprofit organization is ready to dive deeper into the world of artificial intelligence in order to boost fundraising and advocacy like never before, get in contact with Accessible Intelligence today.

Best Practices

Feature Focus: Launch value exchange, event registration or gift incentives with Premium Donation pages

Best Practices

Robust Fraud and Spam Prevention from Engaging Networks


A New Dawn for NonProfits: Embracing the Promise of Change