7 Ways to Cut Organizational Expenses in Changing Times

During hard and changing times nonprofits may find it necessary to cut costs. Here are 7 tips to help with difficult decisions. COVID-19 has meant we have been dealing with a significant period of uncertainty putting a huge strain on people’s mental wellbeing. As we wonder what comes next the press is full of predictions […]
Top 10 Fundraising Optimizations You Can Try Today

Review our top ten fundraising optimizations and spend some time testing and improving your fundraising. Crises like the coronavirus impact us in ways we’d never imagine. Many organisations are setting up appeals to support those directly impacted by the pandemic. At the same time, others are running emergency appeals to make up for lost income. […]
The Power of Thanks and Gratitude

Expressing our thanks for donors and supporters goes beyond a tax acknowledgement. Learn more about the science and some techniques to help you say thanks. Thank you for taking a moment to read this story. In previous roles, I’ve always sent a thank you email the week of Thanksgiving. Not necessarily mentioning Thanksgiving but it’s […]
Last Minute Tips for Giving Tuesday

Enjoy a few tips for last-minute Giving Tuesday planning – for those who are organized and those who still have work to do. Giving Tuesday is one of my favorite times of the year. In some ways better than a holiday. The gifts of creative nonprofit fundraising abound. Like a kid waking up in the […]
Don’t Open That (Spam) Trap Door

Spooky things can lurk in your email list – or find their way in. This Halloween, enjoy a few tips to help keep your email list free of ghosts, goblins or worse… spam traps. 52 Weeks Later Dust away the cobwebs of your subscriber list by getting rid of any inactive supporters. In Engaging Networks […]
3 Things to Learn About Engaging Networks Before Year End

Year-end is not far away, so now is a great time to brush up your skills on the Engaging Networks platform. We want to help you close out your best ever year, and continue to build on that success in the future, so we’ve distilled a few video lessons from the Engaging Networks academy to […]
5 Essential Marketing Automations for Nonprofits

Updated 7/6/23 Having a strong online presence is crucial for any organization looking to make a larger impact. However, digital marketing can seem like territory that’s way too unfamiliar to even begin exploring given how focused your nonprofit organization is on fulfilling its mission to make the world a better place. Here’s the good news: […]
The Engaging Networks Podcast Episode 1: Digital Tips with Michael Austin at ENCCUK19

Episode 1 Welcome to Episode 1 of the Engaging Networks Podcast, the show that explores the world of digital for non profits, shares tips and tricks to help you create more engaging and higher converting online campaigns, and take a deeper insight into the people that are transforming lives through the use of Engaging Network’s […]
5 Approaches to Maximizing Peer to Peer Fundraising

Updated 7/5/23 25% of people are likely to say “yes” to a donation request from their friends. That’s the magic of peer to peer fundraising, which is essential to every charity today. Peer to peer fundraising (P2P) works by raising funds for your charity through a supporter’s existing networks, such as friends, family, and neighbors. […]
How to Unlock the Magic of Google Analytics for Nonprofits

This blog is provided courtesy of Engaging Networks Accredited Partner, Firefly Partners, and authored by Monica Malmgren, Digital Strategist at Firefly Partners. As a nonprofit organization, reaching potential donors and generating online donations is essential for the success of your mission. With so much competition in the digital space, increasing organic traffic and conversion rates […]
Yahoo: A Reminder for List Hygiene

List Hygiene We’re always monitoring the performance of our client emails to ensure all is well. And sometimes….we find something fishy. Over the last ten days we’ve been monitoring a growth in hard bounces from Yahoo mailboxes. It’s now apparent these are being caused by disused accounts – those that haven’t been opened in over […]
2016 Benchmarks Across Engaging Networks’ Clients

Engaging Networks recently presented at one of our favourite conferences: the 2017 Campaigning Forum hosted by FairSay (#ECF2017). The event, held March 22-23 in Oxford, UK, brought together 100+ fundraising stakeholders to connect, share and learn from each other on how to influence change. Our very own UK Business Development Director, Keira Roth, was on hand to […]
ENCCUK17 Roundup

Are you looking for the presentation from our 2017 Community Conference? If so, you’ve come to the right place. If you were at the event, you’ll have noticed that lots of sessions were also filmed. These videos can be watched on our dedicated vimeo channel. We hope you find these presentations useful. If you have any […]
How to Engage Donors with 9 Target Audience Tips

Last updated April 2023 by Steve Collins While attending the Engaging Networks Community Conference in London, I listened to some excellent presentations, where people generously shared their campaign ideas, fundraising experiences and tips on how to engage donors in new and exciting ways. There was a thread that ran through all the sessions I went […]
Make Your Twitter Links Work for Your Org

At Electoral Reform Society, encouraging our supporters to share our campaigns on social media is a crucial part of our strategy. It was with this in mind that we decided to run our own link shortening service. “Overkill,” you say? Well, there were some good reasons we decided to go down this path. The Problem Why shorten […]
Nonprofit Data Management: 6 Tips for Keeping Your Email List Clean and Organized

Updated 3/29/23 Nonprofits are proud of their communities, often reflected in their large email lists, and rightly so. However, the quality of your supporters is more important than the quantity. Now is the perfect time to do some housekeeping and start your next fundraising email off with a clean and organized list of supporters. Here […]
14 Ways to Help Create Successful Digital Advocacy Campaigns

Updated 4/19/23 Digital advocacy campaigns can play an important role in your nonprofit organization, especially for building a dedicated community that will stand by your mission day in and day out. New technologies have enabled many options for ways to engage supporters through online advocacy software, tools, and strategies. And yet, choosing what kind of […]
The Importance of using a Data Strategy for Nonprofits

Updated 4/6/23 by Steve Collins Nonprofit digital campaigns are an effective way to engage supporters and raise awareness about important causes. However, amidst all the excitement and creativity of designing and executing a campaign, the importance of using a data strategy often gets overlooked. According to a recent report, nonprofits only capture data from about […]