Welcome to Version 3.63
Our latest release, which deployed on June 11, 2021, includes exciting updates on the Events Module, Supporter Hub, and more. In Release 3.63, we’ve introduced recurring event capabilities, event email reminders, and the ability to drag and reorder repeatable email blocks in templates for flexible design. We’ve also enabled functionality to transfer a recurring gift to another supporter, as well as the option to link same supporters in householding.
Notable Updates
Recurring Events
Through the Events Module, clients can now set their engagements on repeat with recurring events. This event option has flexibility to repeat on a specific day for weekly or monthly scheduling. This also includes the ability to modify, view and report on individual occurrences through a calendar or list view. Find out more details on how to leverage recurring events here.

Event Reminders
A new auto-responder option now allows sending an event email reminder in advance to those who register. The reminder email may be scheduled for a specified number of days in advance of the event and has full flexibility in the message design to be fully branded for your event or customized based on an existing template.
ROI Supporter Hub Gadget
Additional updates have been added to the new ROI Solutions gadget in the Supporter Hub. Through the integration, which is available to set up through the Extensions Manager, supporters may update payment details or upgrade their monthly gift in the Hub and automatically reflect in both Engaging Networks and ROI. To learn more about the new gadget, sign up for the ROI webinar on June 17th here.