Tips & Tricks: Conditional Emails


Deliver the right message, at the right time, to the right person. That’s what Engaging Networks’ conditional content allows you to do. Whether it’s in an email, on a donation form or an advocacy action – making sure that your supporters are seeing content relevant to them will drive more engagement. The next three Tips & Tricks will cover how you can leverage tools that are native to the Engaging Networks’ platform to deliver pertinent content to your supporters.

Enter Conditional and Split Conditional Email

When creating an email campaign you have 4 choices, as shown below:

tips and tricks conditional content

If you’re not already, you should select Conditional Content or Split Test Conditional. Why? Because, this allows you to send different emails to different profiles (you are using profiles, right?????). This means your supporters that belong to the Major Gifts profile can have an email signed by your CDO and have a link to an event, while your supporters that belong to Please Click on Something profile can have a subject line begging them to open the email and then just a picture of a puppy (whatever drives engagement, right?).

Ben’s Advanced Tip: With our Split Test Conditional option you can test content within your conditional emails. For that Major Gifts profile I just mentioned, you could change the language so that 50% get a link to an event and the rest get a fundraising appeal. You can test like this for each version to see which puppy picture resonates with your audience.


In all seriousness, your supporters want content that relates to them and how they interact with your organization. There is a lot more to conditional emails, and if you’re interested in learning more I have three resources:

  • On July 18th, 2018, at 11:30amEDT/8:30amPDT/4:30pmBST, we are hosting a webinar with our buddies over at Firefly Partners. They will go over best practices for creating conditional content email campaigns using Engaging Networks. >>Register Now!
  • Check out our Engaging Networks Academy. We have a module on the email tool that includes an entire section on conditional content. >>Learn More in the Academy
  • Take a look at these articles from the Supportal. >>Find More Information in our Supportal
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