General Election of 2024

As the UK gears up for the General Election of 2024, it’s not just the politicians who are in the spotlight. Advocacy groups supported by Engaging Networks are also making their voices heard, driving significant changes in the electoral landscape. This post explores how campaigning has evolved since the previous election cycle and what Engaging Networks clients are doing for the upcoming elections.

Evolution of Electoral Campaigning

Digital Mobilisation and Outreach:

In recent years, digital mobilisation has become a cornerstone of electoral campaigning. In the lead-up to the 2024 General Election, Engaging Networks clients have significantly expanded their digital reach and engagement strategies. They’re utilising social media, email campaigns, and targeted online actions to reach wider audiences and mobilise supporters more effectively than ever before. This marks a stark contrast to the more traditional methods used in previous years.

Diversification of Campaign Issues:

Campaigns in 2024 cover a broader range of issues, reflecting evolving societal concerns. From end-of-life choices to animal welfare, mental health support to refugee rights, Engaging Networks clients are addressing a diverse array of pressing issues facing society today. This diversification represents a shift from the narrower focus on traditional political issues seen in the past.

Impact and Policy Influence:

The impact of advocacy efforts in 2024 seems more tangible, with several groups successfully influencing policies and securing commitments from political candidates. There’s a stronger emphasis on accountability and follow-up, ensuring promises translate into action post-election. This contrasts with the sense of raising awareness without clear policy changes that may have been more prevalent in the previous election cycle.

Grassroots Mobilisation and Community Engagement:

Engaging Networks clients have excelled in grassroots mobilisation during the current election cycle. They’ve fostered vibrant communities of supporters who actively participate in campaigning, volunteering, and spreading awareness, creating a deeper level of engagement compared to before.

Engaging Networks Clients’ Impact in 2024

Here’s a snapshot of the impactful actions Engaging Networks clients are spearheading for the 2024 General Election:

Dignity in Dying

Dignity in Dying is empowering the public to tell parliamentary candidates that ‘Dignity Has Our Vote’. Through their campaign, supporters can share the case for change, urge political candidates to share their views on assisted dying, and support future legislation that would provide dignity and choice to dying people.

Learn more about Dignity in Dying

Dignity in Dying

Age UK

Age UK’s initiative focuses on issues affecting older people. Their campaign calls on politicians to pledge to champion older people if they are elected and prioritise policies that improve older peoples’ lives, including healthcare, social care, and pension reforms.

“It’s been great to be able to use Engaging Networks to help our campaigners start conversations with the candidates about what matters to them in their constituency. We wanted this action to really focus on the opinions of our campaigners, and EN lets us do that”

Jane Gill
Senior Campaigns Officer
Age UK

Learn more about Age UK

Age UK PPC Action.


Care4Calais is advocating for refugees’ rights and highlighting the plight of displaced individuals. Their action aims to ensure that political candidates address the refugee crisis with compassion and develop sustainable solutions.

Learn more about Care4Calais


The Humane League

The Humane League UK is urging politicians to stand up for farmed animals, mobilising their supporters to ask their candidates to pledge to ban cruel cages for hens and support better legal protections for farmed fish.

“The full candidate database that Engaging Networks has recently updated has empowered our network of supporters all over the UK to take action simply and effectively. Not only this, but, as with other emails, EN marketing tools enabled us to split test so we can learn what content is most impactful and continue to improve.” 

Holly Spindler, 
Digital Communications Manager, 
The Humane League UK

Learn more about The Humane League

The Humane League Email

League Against Cruel Sports

This campaign is dedicated to ending cruelty to animals in the name of sport. They are rallying supporters to pressure political candidates to commit to strengthening laws against fox hunting and other forms of animal abuse.

Learn more about League Against Cruel Sports

League Against Cruel Sports

Macmillan Cancer Support

Macmillan Cancer Support is advocating for better cancer care and support services. Their action seeks to ensure that cancer remains a priority for policymakers, with adequate funding and resources allocated to improve patient outcomes.

Learn more about Macmillan Cancer Support

Macmillan Cancer Support

Born Free Foundation

Born Free’s campaign focuses on wildlife conservation and wild animal welfare. They are urging politicians to take action to protect habitats and prevent the cruel treatment of wild animals, both free-living and in captivity.

“Thanks to Engaging Networks, Born Free has been able to provide its passionate supporters with a simple and effective way of making their voices heard during the 2024 UK general election. In just a few clicks, supporters can choose the issues that matter most to them and communicate exactly what action prospective parliamentary candidates need to pledge to take, if they want the backing of nature lovers and wild animal advocates in their constituency. The Engaging Networks support team have been fantastic in providing guidance in the best ways to use the Email to Target tool, and very quick in their response to the unexpected election announcement.”

Natalie Blachford 
Marketing Manager
Born Free Foundation

Learn more about the Born Free Foundation

Born Free Foundation

MS Society

The MS Society is campaigning for crucial improvements to disability benefits and healthcare, to transform the lives of people with multiple sclerosis (MS). Their action aims to ensure that candidates will champion policies that improve the lives of people living with MS and their families.

“It’s been great to have the candidate database available so promptly and on the date Engaging Networks promised. This meant we could plan accordingly to get an action out to our supporters and mobilise them to be heard in the run up to the election.”

Ellen Buckerfield
Campaigns Manager
MS Society

Learn more about the MS Society

MS society

Living Streets

Living Streets is campaigning for safer and more accessible streets for pedestrians. Their action calls on political candidates to prioritise road safety measures to make streets safer for pedestrians and enable more children to walk to school.

Learn more about Living Streets

British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP)

BACP’s campaign focuses on mental health support and access to counselling services. They are urging politicians to prioritise mental health funding and ensure everyone has access to timely and affordable therapy.

Learn more abut British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP)

British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP)

Motor Neurone Disease Association

The MND Association is campaigning for better care and support for people living with motor neurone disease (MND). Their action seeks commitments from political candidates to improve MND care services and research funding.

Learn more about Motor Neurone Disease Association

Motor Neurone Disease Association


The landscape of electoral campaigning has evolved significantly, and Engaging Networks clients are at the forefront of this change. Their efforts reflect a maturing ecosystem of digital advocacy, where impact, engagement, and accountability are central pillars of campaigning. As we approach the 2024 General Election, these organisations continue to shape the political landscape and drive positive change in the UK, highlighting the power of collective action and digital mobilisation in shaping the future of our democracy.