New Free Engaging Networks Accessible Templates!

About This Webinar on Engaging Networks Accessible Templates

Introducing our new FREE and accessible page templates! These new templates are mobile optimized out of the box and offer easy customization! Join Engaging Networks and Cornershop Creative for a walkthrough of these incredible new tools and learn how you can get started with new accessible pages today.

This event took place on Wednesday, March 16, 2022 @ 11:00 AM EDT.

Thank You to Our Partner

A special thanks to Cornershop Creative for their time and expertise to put on this informative webinar.

Engaging Networks Accessible Templates Webinar Transcription

[00:00:07.990] – Kathy Powers

Thanks everyone, for joining today to learn more about our new accessible templates created by Corner Shop Creative. I’m Kathy Powers, director of Marketing here at Engaging Networks. And if you’re not familiar with Engaging networks, we’re an intelligent digital engagement platform for nonprofits. We offer fundraising, advocacy, email, everything you need to fundraise and advocate for your cause.

I’m joined here today by my teammates, Marcy Lenihan, our director of partnerships, John Siemiatkoski , our principal sales engineer, and Marta Fornal. Marta, I apologize. I don’t remember your title offhand, but you can introduce yourself if you like. And then we have our partners with Corner Shop Creative accredited partners for several years now. We’ve got Andi Salinas and Max Zimmer, who will be doing the majority of our presentation. I’m going to pass off to them before we get started.

[00:01:01.410] – Andi Salinas

 We’ll just do some introductions. So as Kathy mentioned, we are from Corner Shop Creative. My name is Andi Salinas. They’ve been pronouns. And I am the project manager for this project. And then I’ll let Max introduce himself.

[00:01:15.410] – Max Zimmer

Hello, my name is Max Zimmer. I’m with Corner Shop and a developer there. I built these accessibility templates and we’ll be walking through them.

[00:01:24.950] – Andi Salinas


[00:01:25.980] – Andi Salinas

So before we get started, we’ll just talk a little bit about who we are. So we are a very distributed team and we love to help nonprofits achieve their goals. We offer a lot of services, so we do custom web design, web development, CRM integration. So, for example, if you are not happy with one of your other CRMs you’re using and you want to switch over to Engaging Networks, we are more than happy to help you with that. We also do website support and maintenance campaign implementation. We just started doing non profit SEO and content strategy, so we’ve got a lot to offer.

So before we get started, because we don’t want to assume that everybody is super familiar with web accessibility. So from the Web Accessibility initiative, I just wanted to go over a little bit about what accessibility is. So it’s designing websites and tools and technologies with all users in mind. And that means having your tools and websites and forums and stuff like that, making sure it’s user friendly for people with disabilities. And it should encompass all disabilities. So, for example, auditory disabilities, cognitive, neurological, physical, speech, visual, all those things should be considered when designing with accessibility in mind.

[00:02:53.250] – Andi Salinas

And the greatest thing about this is it also benefits people without disabilities as well. So this is just a great thing to do all around. It helps people that have slow Internet or low bandwidth, folks that are older and have changing abilities, and then mobile users as well. So all around great thing to do. So why is accessibility important? Well, I kind of touched on that a little bit, but it allows more equitable access to website and technologies. I know the UN defined stated that access to information is a human right and the Web is the biggest place to access information. So making sure that the information that you have is accessible to everyone is just the best way to go. And it improves overall user experience. Nobody likes clicking through a form and it just doesn’t work or you don’t understand how to use it. So designing with accessibility in mind helps to improve the overall user experience for everyone and then perform specifically. It can help increase completion rates. So just some accessibility basics for things that we look at. So color contrast is a big one if you can see the buttons on the slide and I’ll describe them a little bit.

[00:04:15.480] – Andi Salinas

So there are two bright green buttons, and one has a very light blue text and the other has a very dark blue text. With the light blue text, it’s kind of hard to read. That’s not really great color contrast. It’s a little too much. And you can’t really pick out the words which says next in the other button, it has a darker text that is clearly very different from its background and kind of helps with reading the button itself.

We also looked at heading hierarchies, making sure that everything makes sense as far as headings. So when you’re on a page and you have your heading subheadings content, especially for folks that might be using a screen reader, that’s how they navigate around the page. So you want to make sure those heading hierarchies are listed properly. We also look at image alt text. So if you’re not familiar with that, when a screen reader comes across an image, it will read this text that’s kind of hidden. And we make sure that that Alt tag is descriptive. And not just like this is a picture of a cat that’s not very descriptive. But for the example we have, it’s a logo from Charity Navigator that people receive when they do really well.

[00:05:29.080] – Andi Salinas

So the example we have is for the alt text is we’ve been awarded an exceptional four stars by Charity Navigator. That’s a great way to really describe something for alt text. And then also you can get a little descriptive. For example, if you have a picture of a cat, you can say what color it is, you can say what it’s doing, where it is, things like that. But you also don’t want to get too long because that can be a little too much. Making sure that everything is accessible via keyboard. Not everybody can use a mouse. So making sure that everybody can tab through the form as well. And there’s a lot more involved in that. I know this is kind of just like a basic overview, but there’s a lot more to accessibility, and you can visit that’s W E B A I M Dot Org, and that’ll give you a lot of information on accessibility. I’m going to pass it over to Max now.

[00:06:28.770] – Max Zimmer

All right. So, yeah, with the code side of accessibility, there’s a lot to take into account. The first one would be semantic HTML Tags. These are things like identifying major landmarks within your web page structure. For example, heading main is a big one to identify the main content and footer. Those tend to be the three primary ones with JavaScript, of course, JavaScript is not always accessible, so it’s important to make sure that JavaScript itself is accessible. It can be used to apply things like Aria required. Aria labels are things that help screen readers identify what something is.

And so in terms of a form, saying that something is required is not just enough. So like saying Aria required, we would actually allow that to come out in a screen reader. Setting a role of button and other roles like that on forms is also important so that people can quickly identify what they are actually interacting with in terms of CSS. And that is for style sheets and things like colors, border radius. But there’s also things that you can do so that when someone does focus on something that they can identify that it is focused with something subtle.

[00:07:58.010] – Max Zimmer

So the example that we have here is a button that says next and you see that light blue border around it. That’s just an outline. And this is saying hey, when this is focused, apply this border. Most field inputs on the majority of browsers will have a blue border once you actually enter into them before typing in or making a selection. And that’s what we’re doing here. It’s just making sure that that focus has enough contrast so that people can quickly identify it if they have sight impairments. There are also things that you can add to pages, especially with forms. So if you have multi step forms then adding navigation indicators, these are things like you are on step one or two. You can even add good names for those we’re on the donation step or the billing step, or even the completion step, and identifying exactly where they are so that people can say okay, cool, I know how many steps there are. How long is this form? And also identify where they’re at.

Accessible labels are also a big ticket item, so making sure that they have the proper roles that they can be tabbed through.

[00:09:18.510] – Max Zimmer

For people who cannot use a mouse, or whether they are permanently or temporarily disabled and must use their keyboard, they can tap through labels to utilize them. And then there are of course, other considerations as well. So when you go to embed a form, you’ll probably be using an iframe and so making sure that everything within that iframe is accessible and does what it’s supposed to do. So if it needs to go to a completion page, make sure that that completion pages has everything that they need inside of that iframe instead of forcing some weird redirect setting, autocomplete can also be really helpful for people who have trouble typing. There are times where people can’t use their hands and so they might rely on autocompletion and forms. And so having those autocomplete features is another important step that kind of gets into the more advanced side of accessibility, but is important. And then, of course, error messages. Sometimes those little asterisks next to labels aren’t very visible. And so when somebody goes to submit a form, you want to make sure that good validation happens so that anything that needs to be entered is entered and is entered correctly.

[00:10:46.450] – Max Zimmer

And if not, then they have error messages that actually identify what those errors are, why it didn’t go through, and then they can make adjustments as needed. So let’s build a new template. All right, so I’m going to share my screen, which Zoom is telling me it’s going to okay, everyone can see my Engaging Networks template right here. I’m seeing nods and thumbs up. All right. So first I want to talk about just a quick overview of what are these templates? What do they look like? Because I think that’s what is on a lot of people’s minds as well, making sure that accessibility looks good while also functioning properly. So in this first template, this is called Accessibility one. We also have Accessibility two and three, which I will be getting into. This has things like the logo up here which will have Alt text. These are what I was referring to as navigation indicators. So you’ll see that this says donation is highlighted going into the second page, will highlight this one and so forth so that it kind of progresses. Andy mentioned keyboard accessibility, and that is very important. So all of these templates will be able to use the tab.

[00:12:18.860] – Max Zimmer

Now, I did also mention focus, and so I’ve just focused on this one off button. And so that now has that black outline using just a keyboard. I can also go up and down to select and then tap into the next one and then continue doing that as I go through the form with just my keyboard and then do that, and then I can hit next. But it’s not going to do that because I haven’t actually entered anything into other and getting into that second page. So along with all these templates and the accessibility, we also made sure that all of the inputs look well and that they’re formatted properly. For example, if they have inputs added on. So this is the first template. I’m just going to set that back. The second template is a bit different. The UX controls in the back end, which I will get into right after this. We’ll have things for the overlay title. These are all also keyboard accessible and same navigation. And then in number three, slightly different layout as well. More content areas where you can add HTML markup and set them up that way. So let’s get into Engaging Networks.

[00:13:43.250] – Max Zimmer

And first, I’m going to cover defaults and show you what the UX and UI looks like. So we’ve gone through to make sure that this is as easy for everybody to set up with their brand colors and formats as possible. So in here we have the amounts buttons. These are all these fun looking ones up here and how they interact with whether they are selected or unselected. They’ll have different coloration options. Some brands they like to have border radius, and some would prefer squares that is always up to you. And so those are adjusted here for everything. With regards to sizes and spacing, we use what are called Rem units and these are applied to the root of the page. Rem units are accessible units. So if you were to set a font size to, let’s say 20 pixels, then if someone comes on with a browser and accessibility browser and they say, I want my default font to be 25 pixels, then because you set it at 20, that won’t be adjusted. But if you use Rem units, which are in base ten, and I know there’s mathematics and no one likes math, but in base ten, that would be like two REM would be 20 pixels.

[00:15:16.710] – Max Zimmer

And that’s the same equivalent. That’s how it maps out. But someone came in and said, you know what, I want the default to be 25. Then it would auto adjust those so that anybody who has those different defaults in their browsers can have that accessibility. So moving on, we can also adjust any of these colorations. In here we have default text colors. If you want to adjust error fields and display different background colors, you’ll see the error text size is 1.2 Rem, which is twelve pixels. If it’s using the standard base different. Let’s see different footer backgrounds, wrapper colors, heading colors.

[00:16:04.920] – Kathy Powers

I think you froze up for a second there.

[00:16:06.840] – Max Zimmer

Oh, I froze up. Oh, am I back?

[00:16:10.090] – Kathy Powers


[00:16:11.000] – Max Zimmer

Okay, good.

[00:16:12.470] – Max Zimmer

Yeah. We’re going through all these different colors and then the navigation indicators and their colors. You can also change the navigation indicators yourself. So if you say, you know what, I don’t want donation, I just want donate. Or perhaps I want instead of completion, I want to say thank you. Or maybe you just don’t want any altogether. And so you can just delete them and you can make these for any number of steps. You’re not limited to just four. If your multi step form is two, then you can just modify those, they’re comma delimited and then of course submit button background colors as well. Also in these templates is the ability to change the currency symbol. So this comes up when you click other and that’s that symbol there. For multiple currencies, we recommend that you just don’t have a currency symbol and leave it up to the user. This is where we’re adding the logo URL and we always recommend alt Tags. So there are no alt Tags that are coming through with the default. So always make sure to add your own. You can add numeration to the indicators and your slogan under Meta.

[00:17:29.310] – Max Zimmer

We also have some other things that I’m not going to get into today. And in Footer down here, this is just open for you to add whatever Mark up you think is necessary. If you don’t want to use one of those columns, that’s just fine. This does take HTML, so if you wanted to make something bold or you want to add a heading or some links or whatever you want, it’s entirely up to you. It makes that extremely versatile. And everything is responsive out of the box as well. So all the columns and alignments will taper down depending on the screen size. We also wanted to make it easy to add fonts to this. So, for example, I have a couple of links over here. I’ve uploaded some font files to our Engaging Networks Assets folder, and so I have those links for the general font family. I’m just going to throw in this one and you can see that is a different font. I hope that you can see that that is indeed a different font. And then for the heading spot, I’ll put this one in as well. So they just automatically change.

[00:18:47.640] – Max Zimmer

You don’t have to worry about naming these fonts. So what they do in the code without getting too technical is it just says this is heading and this is general, and that’s how they’re used. No need to worry about named. This is number one. And I will say that the majority of these controls are the same between all three templates. However, each template does have its own little differences. So in that one, for example, we had three different footer columns that can take HTML markup, and this one, there’s an overlay title. And in this one there is an info box, actually two info boxes and some more footer content. They have subtly different controls as well, to say add coloring. So going into this one, for example, let’s see under Overlay Title, which I believe is in here. Yeah, this is the overlay title, and you can adjust the color to that as well, depending on your background image. You want to make sure, as Andy mentioned, that we have high contrast. It’s one of the most important and easiest things to do in accessibility, but it is most often overlooked. And so making sure that you have this color contrast available to you and along with other accessible standards was important to us to add.

[00:20:23.870] – Max Zimmer

And so then in Accessibility Three, let me bring that one up. Accessibility Three has multiple info boxes. One other thing about these content sections is they do take HTML short Tags. So if I were to throw in this, then you’ll see that there’s a Copyright symbol, and this is what is called an HTML short tag. So those work just as well as any other HTML markup I did test this with style Tags and script Tags. And if you have something that needs to be added super quick, that’s one way to do it. We will also be adding a couple of text areas for you to add your own styles and scripts. That is coming shortly. So let’s get into how do we create a new template from these accessibility blueprints? So we go into I’ll take it from the top. So Pages components and then we’re going to templates, new template and other blueprints. You will find it up here eventually. And for this one, I’m going to do number one and select what this does is it imports that blueprint with all of the defaults. The defaults are set to Engaging Networks branding. And so let’s Mark this up and we’ll make some changes.

[00:22:07.950] – Max Zimmer

So we’re going to change this to Corner Shop branding so that you can tell what the differences. So here’s the blue. I’m just going to make a couple of changes really quick. Nothing too fancy. I’m going very fast. So if you need me to slow down, please let me know. Okay. So I’m going to call that good for right now. And of course, enter a new name. So I’ll call this and I am going to change a couple of images, select this and the background image. We’ll have our white brick. And then for the main background. Now, the one thing I do want to point out is that with background images and these templates, they are not your standard background images where you’re just applying them in CSS. These are actual images. So they come in with Alt text and they are formatted to display as background images. So that is more accessible and friendly to people who are using screen readers so that they understand that there is in fact a giant background image here. So I’m just going to call this something that is more descriptive than just like white wall. It’s going to be a brick wall that is painted white.

[00:24:13.090] – Max Zimmer

That’s a better Alt description. So give that a save. And now I’m going to show you exactly how easy it is to actually apply these templates to your existing invoice. So from Engaging Networks, we’re just going to go into pages, which I’m already in. So it didn’t do anything. And then I’m going into my folder where this is and my Ally donation page one is my Ally one. And I am simply going to set this to use that new template that we just created.

[00:25:01.250] – John Siemiatkoski

Max, pause here for just a second. There’s a couple of questions coming in on the chat.

[00:25:05.180] – Max Zimmer


[00:25:05.860] – John Siemiatkoski

I think we should answer in this context. One of them is where can somebody find these new templates if you can just touch on that? Because we haven’t yet loaded them in as blueprints into the account. We’re still doing some of the final QA.

[00:25:21.740] – Max Zimmer

Yeah, absolutely. No problem. Yeah. So when you are in Engaging Networks, right here your first login. You go up to pages and then components and then over to templates. And then when you create new template, you’ll find this tab here that says Template Blueprints. And these ones are not yet loaded up here, but you would find them up here in the top under Sample Blueprints. Is that right, John?

[00:25:54.350] – John Siemiatkoski

Yeah, that’s where they’re going to be once we finish the QA and get them installed in the account, and we’ll send out a client message through the client success team once that occurs. And then there was another question about when you’re adding in the fonts. They used a true type font in there and not a Google Font. What’s the rationale for not using Google Fonts?

[00:26:23.070] – Max Zimmer

Okay, well, that might be a discussion for another time, but this really does get into kind of more GDPR stuff. So Google Fonts recently was flagged in a German court that said that because like Google Fonts, they take people’s IP addresses in order to provide their service, that that is not necessarily GDPR compliant. And so we have been since recommending that people either download Google Fonts themselves, which you can now do through the Google Fonts interface, and then self host so that your users or visitors data stays with you and so that you can control it. They feel a little safer knowing that their IP address is not going out. There are a lot of different font considerations. It shouldn’t really matter if you do TTF, OTF or WAFF two. I think there are several others. Typically, you don’t have to specify. So just leaving it as waff should be just fine. But if you do encounter errors, like for whatever reason that you need to specify it, we enable that option there as well. Does that answer your question?

[00:27:42.850] – John Siemiatkoski

Yeah, and just a little background. When Max and Andi were designing these templates with us, Max came up with a really Nifty way to put the Google Fonts in there. Then we learned this German court case under GDPR. We said, well, we’ve got so many clients who have supporters in the EU, so we should take that into account. So we kind of backed away from a really slick way that Max came up with putting them in there. So unfortunately, some of the best work has to hit the cutting room floor at times,

[00:28:14.370] – Max Zimmer

for sure.

[00:28:15.370] – Max Zimmer

And if you weren’t already aware, you can upload fonts into Engaging Networks. So under here, I only have four assets for these templates that we’re working with today. That’s our Corner Shop logo, the brick background, and then my two font files right here. And so that’s where those links originally came from.

[00:28:35.840] – John Siemiatkoski

And that’s a big advantage to Loading the assets in your Engaging Networks account, because anything you have in your account, we deploy through our content delivery network. So as those assets are being called, they’re being called from the same place where your images and other content blocks are stored. So we replicate that data across multiple sites for the CDN. So therefore you’re going to get much faster page load times.

[00:29:01.570] – Max Zimmer


[00:29:01.970] – John Siemiatkoski

Thanks Max.

[00:29:03.030] – Max Zimmer

Yeah, no problem. Is that the last question?

[00:29:05.130] – John Siemiatkoski

For now, yes. For now, yes.

[00:29:07.420] – Max Zimmer

Okay, great. So let’s see. We were taking this page and applying that new template that has the new images and colorations that I had just made in that new template. So just make sure that I save this. Always save, and I’ll just refresh this. This is the exact same form. And I will say that I should have adjusted this as red flag and accessibility. I should have adjusted that text color to make it white. But you can see all of the changes are applied. I did not add footer content because that would take too much time. And you can also see that everything on a second page is also looking just right. And these have been updated as well. I actually have one available here where it has that white color. So I’ll just show that this is best practice. Make sure that you get that contrast. I think if there’s one thing that you take away from today, it’s contrast, contrast, contrast. Make sure you have that. Absolutely. And make sure that you have a keyboard accessible page as well.

[00:30:37.030] – John Siemiatkoski

As clients deploy these templates, you might need to involve others in your organizations to make some of these decisions around colors and type faces, because it could well be that the type face that your marketing team has selected and as part of your brand brand guidelines is too thin to be able to provide enough contrast. When used in a reversed image like that, it might just be too narrow a typeface where the ascenders and descenders of different elements within the type are just too thin. So I want to suggest to any of you who work with Engaging Networks is that your role as using these digital tools that we provide is going to have a greater scope within your organization. There might be others you need to involve in the organization. Your organization might want to consider investing in accessibility as well. So we’re providing these new, accessible, ready templates free, out of the box. But you might want to consider working with an accredited partner such as Corner Shop to help your organization, perhaps redo your branding guidelines with accessibility in mind.

[00:31:47.390] – Max Zimmer

Indeed, accessibility is very important. I want to make sure that you can bring everybody into your website that they have the exact same access to content and that they can understand your web pages just as anyone else could. And so these are the templates. These are how the UX and UI looks and how we can actually make some modifications. How to create those templates from a blueprint, and how to apply those new templates that you’ve now added, your contrast and fonts and all the other goodies, too, and how to apply those to those pages. So I think we’re going to go to questions.

[00:32:46.870] – John Siemiatkoski

First question is, can these templates be used on all page types within Engaging networks? I think there are some limitations there. I think the Ecommerce pages and the Supporter Hub are usually the two outliers, because during the specifications, we said corner shop make them work with these pages. But recognizing that some of the pages are a little different.

[00:33:10.280] – Max Zimmer

Yes, in the long run, we hope to adapt these for all pages. That’d be great. But for now, we have focused on donation pages, and we are working on testing with other types of pages as well.

[00:33:28.210] – John Siemiatkoski

Yeah. And particularly the Supporter Hub page relies on some pop ups for the gadgets. So that then runs into some issues around accessibility in terms of where is that element, and how does a screen reader for somebody who’s using a screen reader interact with it? So there’s other things that we have to address there that would not be covered under these templates. But for your primary pages, donations, advocacy pages, yes, these pages are available. These templates are available for those pages. Andi has pointed out in the chat that the Web Aim resource that we’ve put in here, there’s a lot of great tools on there, including a contrast checker. And then there’s lots of other tools as well that are even built in your current browsers and your current devices that will emulate a screen reader, for example, to show you what some of those considerations are on your page, what you need to think about when changing Web Aim, just go to their website. There are just a ton of resources on there. But then there are also some paid trainings available through Web Aim and through other organizations. I’m here in Waltham, Massachusetts, where my alma mater, Bentley University, is right across town from me.

[00:34:55.760] – John Siemiatkoski

I went and took a Designing for Accessibility course back in the fall. So two day course, and I think it was $1,900 or something like that for the two day course. Thought it was worth it just to really, because, frankly, a lot of my accessibility knowledge is kind of self trained and just reading Web resources. And I said I need some actual formal training here. So I needed to just hone up on things. But of course, when you’ve got credited partners like Corner Shop working on your pages, you’ve got some experts in the room already. So do consider that investment here is important. Part of the reason that investment is important is there are different laws in different places. I know in the province of Ontario, there is the AODA that was passed many years ago, but more of its provisions were taking effect last year and this year. So there’s been lots of questions coming from clients based on Ontario around us in order to be AODA compliant, because there are penalties with laws in order to encourage people who have websites to make them accessible so all people can use them. Seeing any other questions in the chat window?

[00:36:27.530] – Kathy Powers

Where would you suggest? I’ve been dropping my questions in there because I have quite a few. But Andi and Max, where would you suggest someone getting started? If they’re a smaller nonprofit and need to go solo on getting started with accessibility, what would you suggest they do?

[00:36:44.750] – Max Zimmer

Yeah, first thing I would do is run your home page and maybe a couple of interior pages through an accessibility checker. Web Aim does have one available on there as well. There are also browser extensions that you can install that will help you to check out on that. Once you identify some of those key problems, then it really depends on where you are and where your pages are. If it’s something through Engaging Networks or like WordPress or something like that, there are different tools that you can use and plugins that you can install that would help you with that as well.

[00:37:33.450] – Kathy Powers

Looks like we have one more question that Marcie dropped in from the Q and A. Caroline asked, could you give any indication on when these templates will actually be available?

[00:37:50.590] – John Siemiatkoski

I was having a chat with Marta separately. We’re just going to do some final QA on these, so I would assume within a week or so we should have these into client accounts.

[00:38:03.490] – Kathy Powers

I’m sure the client services team will send something out when they’re ready?

[00:38:11.270] – John Siemiatkoski

One other resource that you might want to consider if you really want to, what we’re striving for with these templates is to make them available to you so they’re accessible. Ready so that way you can get to a level of compliance for the Web Content Accessibility guidelines. So that’s a mouthful. It’s option abbreviated WCAG or Wicag as we all say. And the level that we’re striving for is Wicag two. So it is important to note the two dot one because that’s the current guideline set and then double A is the level because there’s A / AA / AAA. Wicag might likely change the whole structure of labeling for this in the near future. I attended a webinar about that recently, but just but Wicag two one AA is the place that we said that’s a good place to shoot for because it provides a wide range of accessibility needs. And the interesting thing about accessibility is that when people think of particularly the Wicag guidelines, their immediate thought might be visual impairments. So someone who is blind or partially sighted maybe uses a screen reader to a voice reader to then announce what’s on the page. There’s a whole lot more to Wicag.

[00:39:38.100] – John Siemiatkoski

There’s also perception and cognitive needs as well. Think about some of your, perhaps older donors who might be experiencing the onset of Alzheimer’s, that they have some cognitive impairment impairments. So there are other contextual things you might add to a page to make it more understandable what you’re asking for on a page. I do think reading the wicag guidelines is probably the very good cure for insomnia. Probably should have used it last night. But if you’re interested in the Wicag guidelines, I’ll drop that link into the chat window as well because ultimately when somebody is striving for a level of compliance, that’s what it’s about. Just find the actual hyperlink here and get that. I’m not putting it into everyone. There we go.

[00:40:38.290] – Max Zimmer

Yeah, that’s a really good point. And I also just want to add that sometimes site impairments and disabilities are temporary. So somebody who gets injured might need to use some of these new accessible tools just temporarily, maybe for a couple of months while they recover. And so you can imagine that if you are used to browsing the web in a certain way, then you suddenly cannot browse the web because of lack of accessibility. That would be extremely frustrating.

[00:41:16.850] – John Siemiatkoski

Well, Max and Andi, thank you so much for designing these great templates and they look great just for a sighted user like me. But having all of the stuff you did under the hood to make them function with other tools as well with screen readers and such has been a huge benefit to our clients. So at Engaging Networks really appreciate the great work you guys did to put these into our system. So again, we’ll get word out when they’re actually we finish our QA here because Marta, for now has been awesome at really detailed analysis of these and it’s been great working with the Corner Shop team on getting these deployed and out there because it’s something we identified a while back we wanted to do. And it’s great to have accredited partners like Corner Shop who can do this work really well.

[00:42:11.480] – Kathy Powers

Thank you, you so much, everyone, for joining. Thank you, Andi. Thank you, Max. Thank you to my team at Engaging Networks.