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Account Settings: Extensions Manager

The Extensions Manager is available as of the 3.61 Release. Additional integrations will be added to the Extensions Manager in future releases.

Extensions Manager Overview

Third-party account integrations and page extensions are available to enable from your Engaging Networks Account Settings. Additional integrations are possible through your account, including individual modules, through direct integrations, as well as with custom code. Please contact the Support team with any questions on enabling a particular integration.

Enabling Integrations

As of the 3.62 Release, admins and super admins have the ability to view and manage available integrations in the Extensions Manager by default. Super admins also have the ability to manage admin permissions to view, modify, and delete integrations.

In your Account Settings, click on the Extensions tab.

Each integration available in the Extensions Manager has unique requirements to successfully enable. Click on the specific integration option to see additional details of functionality and prerequisites to enable.

When an integration is successfully enabled on your account, it will display ‘Enabled‘ alongside the logo.


For full details on each integration, please learn more here:

Updated on November 10, 2023

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